BISHTA Awards 2020 - Best Showroom & Residential Installation Winner

Once again Outdoor Living were proud to attend the BISHTA (The British and Irish Spa and Hot Tub Association) awards which take place annually at the end of January each year. It’s a privilege to be recognised by BISHTA and as a proud member, we constantly strive for the highest of standards in our products and services. The event was held during SPATEX at the Industries Gala Evening, where for hot tub companies from across the UK apply for the awards in order to acknowledge their achievements within the wet leisure industry.

Each year the the BISHTA awards strive to branch out across many different areas in order to showcase the best examples of: design, construction, installation and innovation within the industry. The awards were established in order to ensure companies that are engaged in the display and sale of hot tubs, have received the adequate amount of training in water hygiene management and they also understand the significance of maintaining these high standards. BISTHA continues to promote impeccable standards of safety, enjoyment and value, by registering suppliers of spas, hot tubs, accessories and water purification products.

As last year, the awards evening was held at the Ricoh Arena, Coventry.

BISHTA Awards 2019

Being given a BISHTA award is always a proud moment for any company within the wet leisure industry. The January 2020 awards were certainly a successful and promising start to the year for us, proudly receiving FOUR incredible awards!

Both the Leeds and Hull showroom were awarded during the ceremony. The Leeds Showroom scored the highest winning the GOLD award for the best showroom and the Hull Showroom followed closely behind with the SILVER award. Which follows a winning streak from last year, where Leeds won GOLD and Hull won BRONZE.

On top of that Outdoor Living was also awarded GOLD for their residential installation below £7,000.00 and GOLD for the 'Hot Tubs Change Lives' category for our work with BBC's DIY SOS.

BISHTA Awards 2019

Hull Showroom Manager Dominic was there to collect the awards on the night; “Its great to see how the showrooms are progressing and being recognised for our work as a company is amazing. DIY SOS was great to be part of anyway, but showcasing to the industry how hot tubs can really change lives is so important to Outdoor Living.”

It is incredible to see how the business is progressing within the industry and how the showrooms are continuing to improve year on year. Outdoor Living is proud of the business and how it is growing while still maintaining a key focus on our customer relationship and the service we provide.

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