Hot Tub Zen: Creating a Meditative Sanctuary in Your Spa

In our fast-paced world, finding moments of peace and tranquility is essential for our mental and physical wellbeing. One way to make your everyday that bit better is transforming your hot tub into a sanctuary, where you can escape the stresses of daily life and find inner calm, even for just ten minutes. Let's explore how to turn your hot tub into a Zen retreat on your doorstep.

1. Set the Scene

Creating a relaxing atmosphere around your hot tub area is crucial. Start by giving your hot tub a quick wipe down, then remove any clutter, garden tools, or anything that could interrupt your zen. We love our wood fire hot tub that blends right into our garden, and surrounding it with lush plants to create a calming jungle vibe. Tidy garden, tidy mind! 

2. Create a Ritual

Relaxing in a hot tub

Selecting the right time for your hot tub meditation is important. Many of us find early mornings or evenings the most peaceful. The stillness of dawn or the quiet of dusk can help you connect with your inner self, without distractions. Work with your lifestyle and body clock so you can stick to it. To establish a regular routine, try developing a ritual that you follow before and after your hot tub session. They say it takes three weeks to form a habit. This could include lighting a scented candle, putting on a face mask, or practicing a few minutes of deep breathing. This signals to your brain that you’re ready to relax. 

3. Get Comfy

Make your soak extra comfortable with booster seats and inflatable head rests. Have a cosy bathrobe, fresh towels and soft sliders waiting for you after you’ve finished your dip. You could also get a foot bath to get extra pampered and squeaky clean. If your hot tub has a lounger, now’s the time to use it and stretch out. The more comfortable you are, the more your body can de-stress, and your mind will follow suit.

4. Aromatherapy Scents

Hot Tub Scented Bombs

Enhance your at-home spa experience with hot tub scents. Add a few sprinkles or drops of your favourite aroma to your tub’s water. By noticing the soothing smells, it can help your mind focus on the here and now. Calming lavender is especially beneficial for restless sleepers among us.

5. Solar Candles and Hot Tub Lights

For evening or nighttime hot tub meditation, set the mood with solar candles and fairly lights. Turn on your hot tub lights and set it to a relaxing colour, such as blue or green. You could also go for an underwater light show to add some sparkle to your soak! The gentle glow creates an ambiance that encourages relaxation and tells your brain you’re ready for bed. 

6. Meditative Music

Relaxing in hot tub with headphones

Play soft, calming music in the background to enhance your Zen experience. Opt for sounds of nature, instrumental music or even ASMR to help you unwind. You could also use the time to catch up on your favourite audiobook or podcast, whatever works best to calm your thoughts.

7. Hydrotherapy Healing

The combination of warm water and hydrotherapy jets in your hot tub provides a soothing massage for your muscles. Hydromassage jets target tension and sore joints, feel the relief as the stress and strains melt away. The massaging action of the water helps with relaxation and recovery, for both body and mind. 

8. Meditation & Muscle Relaxation

Waterfall in a hot tub

The soothing water of your hot tub is the perfect environment for meditation, allowing you to focus on your senses. As you soak in the water, close your eyes and shift your attention to the sound of your breath, the bubbling of the water, and the sensation of the waterfall on your toes. Sense the tension slowly melting away as you let go of your worries. To really relax your muscles, start your focus on your toes and work your way up, consciously tensing and then releasing each muscle group for a few seconds at a time. 

Woman in face mask and bathrobe

9. Self Care

Hot tub time is perfect for pampering. We love to fit in some of our beauty routines and give ourselves a face massage while we soak, releasing the tension from the day. Why not give your skin a boost with a soothing face mask and cooling eye gel - this is your time to indulge.

10. Stay Hydrated 

Lemon drink

Don’t forget to hydrate yourself as well as your skin! Grab your favourite herbal tea or mocktail while you soak. We love to make ourselves a hot chocolate to get extra cosy before bed. 

Parting advice

Transforming your hot tub into a meditative sanctuary is a powerful way to promote relaxation and mindfulness, especially after a long day at work. Take some time after each dip to reflect on which worries have disappeared, and which are sticking around. Hopefully your worries don’t seem as big as when you first started your soak. By incorporating these practices into your routine, you can find a sense of Zen and create a haven of tranquility right in your own garden. 

Find out more about hot tub healing for mental wellbeing in our guide

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