Let’s talk sauna etiquette. Whether it's in a cosy corner of your home or in the communal warmth of a public sauna, there’s more to creating a relaxing vibe than just temperature. We’ll take you through the art of blending the heat of a sauna with the cool breeze of good conduct!
Public sauna etiquette
Rinse off before the sauna sesh to keep things fresh. It’ll keep it hygienic and make the whole experience more relaxing for everyone.
Exit and Entering
Don’t spend too long entering and leaving the sauna, this risks heat escaping through the door and disrupting other heat bathers.
Respect Personal Space
Don't be a sauna space invader! Give everyone room to enjoy the heat without feeling like sardines in a very warm can. If there’s no one else in the sauna, feel free to stretch out, but be mindful of moving once someone comes in.
Towel Barrier
Always sit on a towel or use it as a barrier. It keeps things clean and marks your spot on the sauna bench.
Dress Code
You don’t have to embrace the European sauna tradition… in fact it’s best you don’t! We like to wear a towel over a swimsuit, or loose, oversized t-shirts and shorts. Make sure you’re wearing clean clothes, to keep the sauna as sanitary as possible.
Cranking Up the Heat

Don't pour water on the stones or stove without first consulting other guests. Not everyone likes the same temperature. Communication is key!
Mindful Conversations
Keep your chats chill and be respectful of others. If you’re sharing the sauna space, keep talking to a minimum. Leave the animated discussions for outside the sauna. Inside, let the heat do the talking.
Playing music through your phone or taking calls is a big no-no. In fact, it’s best to leave your phone completely. Saunas should be a welcome distraction from the outside world.
Don’t use your sauna time to exercise, practise self care routines, or anything else… you’d be surprised what people do! Stillness helps to foster a feeling of calm in the sauna, and helps you focus on the present moment.
Sauna Rotation
Sharing is caring! Be mindful of others waiting to get in. Don't hog the sauna; let others soak in the heat too. You usually don’t spend more than 15 to 20 minutes per sauna session. Only stay in the sauna as long as you feel good, your health is your top priority.
Sip Smart
Cold drinks can hinder the circulation of the sauna. You also want to avoid cluttering the sauna bench or creating trip hazards. Alcohol is not recommended in a sauna, as this can risk dehydration. Lastly try not to spill your drink - we don’t want the sauna turning into a swimming pool!
Snacks in Saunas
Immediately no. Crumbs and saunas are not a good mix.
Kids and Saunas
If kids are in the mix, make sure they're over the age of 12 and are sauna-savvy. We want everyone to have a good time, big or small, but it’s harder for little ones to regulate their temperature.
Home sauna etiquette
Don't be the noisy neighbour, especially when it's getting late. If you’re planning a garden get together in your outdoor sauna that could last well into the evening, a little heads-up to the neighbours might help keep the peace.
Towers of Towels
Whether home or away, towels are the golden rule for a cosy sauna session. Make sure you have plenty of spare clean towels to hand.
Dress Code
Bear in mind what you wear to your sauna in view of neighbours, but it’s best to be clean and comfy. Natural fabrics like linen, bamboo, or cotton help your skin breathe.
Temperature Control
Find that sweet spot for sauna temperature when sharing the space. Get consensus on the sauna sizzle. Happy guests, happy sauna life!
Cleanliness is Happiness

Keep your sauna spick and span. Tidy up after your session so the next one is as inviting as the first. Keep it hygienic with a quick wipe down after every use, and a deep clean at least once a month. Who doesn’t love a sparkling sauna, clean vibes only!
Scent Savvy
If you’ve invited friends over for a bath, make sure you check with them before you pour your favourite essential oil on the rocks, if you’re bathing solo then fill your boots!
Stay Hydrated
Keep the hydration game strong before and after your sauna sesh. If you’ve got guests over, make sure you have plenty of water ready to go.
Kids in your Home Sauna
If it's a family affair, be mindful of their age and sauna savviness. Safety first, sauna second!

Sauna etiquette FAQs: your burning questions answered
Can I use my phone in the sauna?
Best to keep the gadgets out. Saunas are for serenity, not scrolling. Embrace the quiet!
Is it okay to bring a snack into the sauna?
Heat first, snacks later. Saunas are for heat, not munching. Keep the snacks for afterwards.
How long should a sauna session last?
Aim for 15-20 minutes. But listen to your body’s sauna signals. If it says "I'm done," respect the signal.
Can pregnant women use saunas?
Best to check with your doctor, you don’t want to put yourself at risk with overheating.
Are there age restrictions for sauna use?
Generally, saunas are for the grown-ups, and ideally over the age of 12. For any golden oldies, check with your doctor if you have any medical concerns. It’s always best to sauna safely, and not take any risks.
Is it acceptable to wear a swimsuit in a sauna?
Yes - whatever swimsuit floats your sauna boat! Just keep it comfy, clean and respectful.
Parting advice
And there you have it. Now you know how to be on your best behaviour in saunas. You’ll make it a more relaxing experience for you and your sauna bather neighbours. Learn more about the health benefits of dry heat saunas in our guide.